List of Tamil words in Haitian Creole language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Haitian Creole language
Dr.Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Haitian Creole, commonly referred to as simply Creole, is a French-based creole language spoken by 10–12 million people worldwide, and is one of the two official languages of Haiti, where it is the native language of a majority of the population.
The language emerged from contact between French settlers and enslaved Africans during the Atlantic slave trade in the French colony of Saint-Domingue (now Haiti). Although its vocabulary largely derives from 18th-century French, its grammar is that of a West African language, particularly the Fon language and Igbo language. It also has influences from Spanish, English, Portuguese, Taino, and other West African languages. It is not mutually intelligible with standard French, and has its own distinctive grammar. Haitians are the largest community in the world speaking a modern creole language.

Clues to read Haitian Creolewords into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’ = ‘k’.
Add / change the vowels then and there.
Add /delete letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained / deleted /added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs more than once consecutively, it has to be read only once.
Ref- Haitian Creole – English Dictionary – Jean Targete and Raphael G. Urciolo .
English – Kreyol- Tamil
*[plu] - nou- nee[sing]
2.your- ou- un
3.yours- pan- un
*4. young- jen- sinna
5.we- nou-naam
6.year- an- ayanam
*7. whopping cough- koklich- kukkal
*8. will/ desire- volonte- vilzhainthida
*9.way- vwa – iyavai
10.ten- di-paththu
*11.say- di- oaathu
*12. road- wout- weethi/street
*13. rope- kod-kadam
*14. poverty- lamize- yaezhmai pwoteksyon- paathukaakkanum /to protect
* en- onnu; enn onnu. ouveri- avuru /untie
*`18.opening- ouveti- oaattai/ hole
*19. knife- kouto- kaththi
20.barking /dog- rouke – kuraikka- letters are in reversed order.
21.height- rote- uyaram udaiya; uyaram- height; udaiya- has.
*22. tall- ro- uyaram
*23. kill- tiye- adu;idi; thudai;thaei. edu- thunai
*25. heart- ka- akam / soul sekou- kumukku;sakaayam. / hand- koutmen- kai koduththidanum; kai- hand; kodu- give; letters are jumbled.
*28. gate- potay; putha;thoatti;thadai.
*29. grant- akode- kodai
*30. greedy- ava- avaa
31.carry – pote- edu take out- wete- edu
*33. burst - pete- pottida
*34. battle/ fight - batay- pudai
35.battle field- chand batay – sandai poadum idam; sandai poadu- fight; idam- place.
*36. home- lakay– illakam
*37. home- kay – akam
*38. after- apre- appuram; pinnar.
*39. agree- dako- yaeththukka; oththukka.
40.penis- zouti- thadi /stick
41.tool- zouti - eththanam; aayutham; padai.
42.*meat- vyann- uooon
43.king- rwa- raayan
* want /will- vle- viazhaiya
*45. to pour with- vide- uooththu
46.servant- kyol- vaelai aal; yaeval; ka = va; va= ka;kooli aal; kai aal.
*47. hole- tou- oaattai meet- touve- paaththida vaenum
49.all round- tou totou – suththu muththum
*50. agree- tope- oththu poa earn- touche- thaedu
52.bull- toro- eruthu;letters are in reversed order.
*53.far away – totolo- ettaththil
54.suddenly – toudenkou- thidukkinnu; letters are jumbled.
*55. walk- tou- adi edu / take a step; adi- foot; edu -take;nada- walk.
* kill- tiye;adu; idi; thudai
57. to extinguish /fire - tiye – thee yaei anaiththidu; thee- fire; anaiththidu- put off. quench- tiye- thaniththidu; thani. weave- tise- thunnu shoot down /gun- tire- suduthar stretch- tire- neettuthar scoop- tire- thoanduthar end up - teri- mudithar
* kick- tire pye- uthaiththar;uthai poaduthar. tea- thaottam;mittaa. tea- thaem; thinai.
*67. earth- tea- idai
* hit- teke- idikka; adikka. chop – taye- thuni
* cut/ stones - taye-;thaei; thumi / to cut.
*71. to beat- taye- adi spank –taye- puttaadi; puttam- buttock; adi- beat; sooththai thattu; sooththu- buttock.
* sharpen/ pen- taye- theettu
74. to go to bed with- taye- padu
* screw /sexual intercourse- taye- yaaeththu
* suck- toto- uoottu
*77. tailor- taye- theiyaan; thaei- to stitch. chop to pieces – tcha kade – thundu thundukaa koththu; thundu- piece; koththu- chop. pick – tchake- edukka
*80.low hip- tay ba- iduppu/ hip
81.hip/waist - tay la- idaiyil / in the hip; idai – waist;melliya idai;nool idai – slender waist.
*82. to touch and feel – tate- thodu/ touch; thottupaaththidu.
* slap /tap/ beat - tape- thappu
* slap- tapla- thapputhal
* tempt- tante- thoondu
86.time- tanan – tayan
* lock- take- adaikka; poottuka.
* shake- souke- asaikka
89.deaf- soud- sevidu
*90. deaf person- soude- sevidu test- sondu- aainthidu
* part- separe- piriya
93.separate/ divide - separe- piri
94.curtain- ridoa- thirai; letters are in reversed order.
95. to laugh- ri- siri
96.street- ri- saeri stay / live - rete- irunthidu
*98. to cry - ele- azhu
* call - ele- azhai
*100. to cry – kriye- karaiya
101.rim/ brim/ border – rebo- oaaram
*102.tough/hard- red- uruthi
103. look- rega- paarka
*104.look out- piga- paakka /look say again- redi- uraiththidu /say pull- hale- izhu
*107.small- pti- podi;podisu.
108.the milk which remains in the cow’s teat after milking – poyla- paal/ milk.
*109.excrement- pou pou- pei
* defecate - pou pou- pei poa; poa- go /pass.
111.louse- pou- paenn
*112.pot- poa- paanai
* leave/ go - pati-poaeida
114. foot- pat- paatham; adi. command- odone- aanai idu; letters are in reversed order
* papa- appa eat- nannan- unnu nannan- uoon
* die/ pass away - mouri- maraiya/disappear; maranam [Skt]
120.soft /tender- mou- menmai
*121.death- mo- maai be able- met- mudiyim
123.owner- metla- udamiyaalan; letters are jumbled.
*124.owner/ master/ title of respect – metla- muthalaali/ land owner; muthali– title of respect. owner- met te -mitta
*126.mother- mame- amma
*127.chatter- kraka – korikka expectorate- krache- kaaru
*129.dirt- kras la- karai ulla; karai- dirt; ulla- has; karai illai- no dirt.
* cook -kuit- kaaichchidu
* – kwadi- koottam
132.angle- kwenan- koanam think - kwe- ennuka
134.eagle- egla- kazhuku eglizla- koail /temple/ house of the god; koa- king/ god; il- house
136.air- le – nizhali
*137.garlic- la- ulli lavi- vaazhvu – letters are in reversed order educate- leve- payila
* raise /get up -leve- yezhu
141.moon- lin- nila; letters are in reversed order; luna.
*142.struggle- lalit- allaadu
143.fight- lite- malaithal; ladaai; thilaithal/aduthal – letters are in reversed order.
144.block of wood- mad riye- mara thadi; maram- tree; thadi- timber; letters are jumbled.
145.clever- madwe- mathi
146.killer- mata dol- maaithhtidum aal; maaiththidu- to kill; aal- person. protrude- mate-muttuthu kouti- theikka; letters are in reversed order
*149.knife- kouto- kaththi
*150.listen- koute- kaettidu; kaathai kodu; kaathu- ear; kodu- give.
*151.commission- koutat la- kattalai iduthal; kattalai- order.
*152.blow/ hit-koute- kuththu
153.bite- kout dan- kadiththidanum /to bite
*`154.small/ short- kout- kuttai
*155. colour- koule- kezhu
156.glance/ glimpse- koudey la - kaanuthal
*157.dancing- kouday la- kooththaaduthal
to sink- koule- moozhka; letters are in reversed order. leak – koule- ozhuka- letters are in reversed order.
*159.owl- kou kou- kookai
160. side- kotea-konthu
* to- kot- kitta
*162.anger- kolea- kilaam
* meet- kontre- kaanuthar
164. to count- konte- kanakkidu
*165.sweetheart /darling- kokotla- kaathali / lover / female
* know- konu- kaanu
167.rooster- kokla- kozhi /fowl; hen.
168.penis- kokla- aan kazhai/ male stick; aan- male; kazhai- stick.
* kokayla- kulam
*170.body- koa- yaakkai; kaayam. leave- kite- neenkkidu
*172.heart- kea- akam/ soul
*173.drum- kata- kottu
* – kataa—kooththu
* kado- kodai
*176.excrement- kakaa- kakka
177.bird’s nest- kaloj- kulayam
* unite- ini -inai; anai. crow- gra gra- karaiyim karu vaakam- cawing raven- karu vaakam -raven; karaiya- tocry; karu- black. look/ view- gete- noakkidu; kanndidu
*181.stone in river bed- glasla – koozhaankkal / pebble
182.threshing floor- glasia- kalam
183. throat- gojla- kalan
*184.pole/ stick- golla- kazhi
185. cup/ mug – gode- sakadam; kadi/ bowl
186. at attention- gadavou- kavanaththoadu; letters are jumbled.
* spill / water, food- gagote- kotta afe- panniyam
*189. drum stick- agida – kadi; kadippu; kottu thadi; kottu- beat; thadi-stick.
*190.add - ajoute- saeththidu
* act- aji- sei
*192.approach- akoste –kittu
*193.tear- akro- keeru go- ale- sellu
195.roadway- alea- saalai
196.deaden/ dampness- amoti- thimitham; patham – letters are in reversed order. the country- andeo- naadu/ country
198.workshop- atelye- thozhil manai; thozhil- work; manai- house.
* land- ateri- adaithar reach- atenn- adaiyanum
* smear- bade- appidu
* smear- babouye- appu
* build- bati – thithi; padai;padaiththidu.
*204. baby - bebea- paappa talk- blage- solluka
206.edge- bodi- ottu
207.edge- bodayla- ottula / on the edge
208.near / close to- bokote- kitta
209.billy goat- boukla- saakalam / goat
210.gathering [ n]- bokketla- kooduthal [ v]; letters are jumbled. look for- bouske- paakka / look
*212.speech less- bebe- bae bae
213.buttocks- bouda- puttam; root word is- pudaiththa- protruding.
*215.behind- bounda- pinnaadi run away- chata- oaadida/ run; saaithal /flee
217.scald- chode- soodu pour hot water on – chode- suda thanni uooththu; soodu- hot; thanni - water; uooththu- pour; letter ‘t’ is read more than once. woman- chodin aan- soodaana penn; soodu- hot; penn- woman.
*220.pot- chodye- satti
221.tooth- dan – thantham land- debake- adaika
223.carve- dekape- seuthukku
* become unstitched- dekoud- thaikkathau /unstitched
225.sleep out- dekouche- padukka; thoonkka.
* sleep- fedodo- padu; paduththidu cut up- dekoupe-thundikka dife- thee
* prick- dige- theikka; pothukkka.
230.goad- dige- thoonduka ; kuththu – letters are in reversed order. stick with a finger- dige- ottuka / to stick
*232. penis- diyitea- thadi /stick
233.water- dyoa- thanni
234.water- gloa – keezhaalam
235. water- gyoa- kayam; aqua. wander- drive- thiriya
* lift up – dyake- thookka; edukka. stab- dyage- kuththu; letters are in reversed order.
239.girl -dyalla- theiyal /woman
240.girl- gal- makaelai/ woman; makal; kalaki /woman.
241.nut- ekou – kaai write- ekri- keeru
243.writing- ekriti- keeriyathu
244.poster /notice /written document – ekriti – keeriya yaedu; yaedu- document. etidye- padiththidu;oaathidu. /study – etidla – padiththal put on makeup- fade- punainthidu
*248.woman- / mistress- fanmnan- penn mani do- fe- pannu have sex- fe- pannu
251.produced/ made - fet- padaiththathu; padai- produce.
252.leaf- feyla- ilai; palam
253.thread- filla- nool izhai
* place- fout- poadu
*255.give- fout- padai
*256.fry- fri- pori
*257.fried food- fritia- poriththathu /fried
*258. fried food- fritayla- poriththal /frying
259.herdsman- gadoa – kudavan; ka=va; va=ka.
* ruin - gate- keduthi; kuthakkaedu; letters are read more than once.
* spoil /rot - gate- keda
262.guard/ policeman – gadla – kaaththal / to guard [ v];kattuthal/ to guard; kaaththidum aal; kaaththidu- to guard; al- person.
263.coastal guard -gadla – kadal karaikaaththal/ to guard the seashore; kadal- sea; karai- sea shore; kaaththal- to guard.
264.we- nou- -naam
265.our- nou- naum
*266.entirely- net- aniththum pole/ stake- poto- thadi